Endless Summer [Cycles]

Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future [Oscar Wilde]… beautiful, isn’t it? A reminder that we are all unfinished stories, scared by our mistakes yet redeemed by the hope of what’s come.

… It whispers

Even the darkest moments can be stepping stones to light.. that redemption isn’t reserved for the perfect…  No it’s for the broken, the flawed, the ones who have fallen and dared to rise again. 

The past doesn’t define you, it shapes you and the future that’s where you will shine. - - Keanu Reeves

Do not go through life like a leaf blown from here to there believing whatever you are told. - Socrates

Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it. - Buddha

Surfers & Great Investors have one very similar common understanding:

Embrace Volatility.

… either use forces > volatility or you will be used by it…

Those on land may not recognize the currents / currency flowing beneath the surface.

Humility, Clarity & Health have assisted with discovering potential Equitable Solutions to a business plan in Uruguay.

We chose Manantiales, Uruguay for a specific reason. The former friend and real estate agent in La Barra was all too happy to receive a commission on a property of no interest.

Cycles -

While we don’t see a bust in Uruguay it’s noted that things appear to be heating up with numerous real estate agents & service businesses.

Younger people arriving on boats from Europe to this region built some amazing old structures. Today most of the populace in Montevideo appears centralized.

Recent challenges by producers with Unions have become obvious.

We don’t see many interested in producing real assets nor finding strategic solutions.

Bank of England OSS / CIA DARPA Google is set to open more screen watcher jobs in Montevideo.

It’s plausible Uruguay could be a safe haven for some real producers in addition to financial criminals from looted places in Europe & elsewhere. Top looting awards go to the World Bank supported insolvent governments and their Unions.

There are positives of every storm. We ride the distortions created in the oceans… same can possibly be done in the new global non - collateral economy.

Our focus will be to remain positive with solutions needed by our community & to empower our team.

The coming inflation may be met with a quick bust later this year and into 2026. We are planning our best to open and with capital improvements.

C + H



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