Captain’s Mast

Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs. - Farrah Gray

If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die. - Warren Buffett

You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want. - Zig Ziglar

The History of The America’s is one of bloodshed & conquest led primarily by European Financial Conglomerates. Real wealth extracted from the earth is often ephemeral thus many operations were continually financed thru exploration & mining.

The bulk of youths [globally] are increasingly ‘informed’ via ‘smart devices’ [biting the Apple]. Fifth Generation Warfare psychological warfare may be the Third Great World War as the Intercontinental Margin Clerk quietly calls in all loans.

Questions: What does all this mean? How is this related to a Surf Shop?

Universal Dogma projected worldwide as our promoted ‘rulers’ operate via political systems become less plausible given the current math. International Governing bodies are accelerating insolvency experientially [non-linear]. Math & Flows of currency display the pernicious plan to default quietly.

Question > Speak to me as if I’m a ‘Child or Golden Retriever’:

Producers of the World > Creators of Real Value are under attack [WWIII].

Philosophy. Ethics.

Physics vs Idealogy.

Creative Entrepreneurs Understand one must humbly “Give 2 Get.”

Mathematically Successful promoters / sales / markers provide solutions at scale.

Critical thinking and being flexible, healthy

Humans use Pattern Recognition for safety & opportunity. Fear & Greed.

Storm Riders embrace kinetic energy provided by major surface & equatorial movements.

All Great Investors Embrace Volatility.

Travel & Action help better comprehend fund flow > Apogee of Power of Societies

Practical standpoint > Noted ascension of Singapore vs Boston in 1994

Critical thinking and being flexible, healthy

Humans use Pattern Recognition for safety & opportunity. Fear & Greed.

Pattern Recognition and Inductive Thinking is a special ability of the human brain to not only find patterns but figure out in a logical way what those patterns suggest about what will happen next. In a broad sense, pattern recognition and inductive thinking form the basis for all scientific inquiry. - C8sciences 

Mark Twain was correct to preclude schooling from sowing his real education. The bulk of institutional learning in western World societies aims at the generation of obedient workers. USNA Annapolis instructed ‘leaders’ take orders not to deviate from established protocols.

Understanding a democracy may not be advantageous in a hostile war situation the dogma for military offices may apply better to larger corporations on the outside than small dynamic Entrepreneurial ventures providing the market with new solutions.

The author & aspiring entrepreneur attended the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. One experience on ‘The Yard’ helped crystallize group think & the reality of Cannon Fodder. Earning a ‘Black N’ for behavior also provided an outlook on highly structured systems & the history of Insubordination at Sea.

Real leaders think critically & build capital. Cash flow is King > Freedom.

For our purposes we see a unique opportunity to cross value & speculation - moving the needle to achieve financial leverage without using margin.

Debt is a killer. Many over levered companies may soon meet the same make as Indian Motorcycle.

One big reason traders usually fail to overcome their own greed and fear as we humans have a strong innate immediacy bias.  Our worldviews are tainted by heavy overweighting of whatever is happening to us right now > Importance of maintaining perspective…

Asset managers over compliance / complications > AUM > Fee based

Advantages of small Indian seeing distortions -

2. Heritage & Culture [stand under - he who controls the past… know thyself]

River Current flows south down the Hudson River into the Sea within The Empire State. Directional movement of water channeled by ‘river banks’ is continually moving > dynamic by the Statue of Liberty placed strategically on an island > not on land. The historic statue made in France was ordained to ‘Liberty’ not Freedom as Sailers must request from the captain to take a leave of absence > they are NOT free. [1]

Currency [Current > Sea] is not money. Current international monetary reforms accelerating since the Bretton Woods Agreement post WWII created an international system detracted from a constant known as ‘Specie Money’ to those back when people demanded collateral > Skin in the Game.

As we obtain real knowledge away from mental conditioning within insolvent government schools Is a Process. Math helps clarify systems are owned by financial conglomerates. Ludwig von Mises stipulates most humans are not fact finding creatures by design to continued discipline is a consideration to move away from the heard mentality to critically think versus feel.

Incessant Bread & Circuses appear to win the attention of masses beamed out 5G via ‘smart devices’ daily. Central Banks retain to ability to buy anything & anyone with a disinformation [Ministry of Truth] managed by The Central Intelligence Agency. All possible when we lose our heritage > knowing where to store our energy to fight again tomorrow for our families.

Abstract vs Tangible 

Ideology vs Physics

Everybody’s working for the Weekend. Virtue Signaling and the daily rush to safe & convenient job’s.

Beginning with The End in Mind > Art & Essence of Entrepreneurial Aspirations.

Simple Systems Engineering & Balance sheet analysis helps us  comprehend the system is accelerating.

Who owns the Central Banks?

  • Three major threats to cellular energy production include consumption of seed oils, exposure to plastics containing endocrine disruptors and electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from wireless technologies. These factors disrupt mitochondrial function. - Dr Mercola

The term 

Surfer’s must understand the macro > Reality > Hurdle

It might be said that it is the ideal of the employer to have production without employees and the ideal of the employee is to have income without work.

- E. F. Schumacher

There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt. - John Adams 1826


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