
You only live twice - Once when you are born - And once when you look death in the face. -Ian Fleming

Sometimes a man can meet his destiny on the road he took to avoid it. Louis Salinger [Clive Owen - The International / Movie]

Risk migrates to the hands least competent to manage it… - Stanton’s Law [T.H.S]

The primary job of the bond salesman is to find the biggest sucker. - Alex J. Pollock

U N D E R   C O N S T R U C T I O N

Human Generational transposition from hunter gathers to agriculture advanced during the Neolithic Revolution. It’s estimated this revolution initiated 12k years ago in the Near East with further expansion into China, sub-Saharan Africa, Mesoamerica, and South America.

The advancement of settlements and trading developed, producers and dealers looked for ways to preserve the price of their products. Factors such as weather, conflict, and supply and demand wreaked havoc on pricing. In addition, as supplies became more plentiful, storage was necessary; merchants sought ways to raise money while their product sat until being sold. This is how futures agreements began. 

According to Bruce Babcock, a noted commodity authority, the first recorded commodity futures trades occurred in 17th century Japan, though there is some evidence that rice may have been traded as far back as 6,000 years ago in China. (Babcock, 2009)


Commodities trading is as old as human civilization itself. A commodity trader is the one who transfers the commodity from the place of its origin to the end customer. This customer may then use it as a raw material for further production.

commodity is a tangible product with definite demand but supplied with a standardized quality across markets. This means that no matter where the commodity is sold, there is no significant difference in the quality within each commodity group. These commodities are not manufactured goods but the ones sold in their original form or with minimal processing. These are primarily agricultural produce, energy raw materials, cotton, wood, etc., sold by suppliers and purchased by dealers. Some hard commodities such as crude oil, gold, silver, and other non-precious metals are mined.

Commodities markets can either operate as spot markets or derivatives markets. Spot markets, also known as the “physical markets,” is an arrangement where the physical exchange of commodities for instant delivery occurs.


  • Land, mining, and improved transportation by rail brought settlers to the American West during the Gilded Age.
  • New agricultural machinery allowed farmers to increase crop yields with less labor, but falling prices and rising expenses left them in debt.
  • Farmers began to organize in local and regional cooperatives like the Grange and the Farmers’ Alliance to promote their interests.


Ben Franklin stated “The refusal of King George III to allow the colonies to operate an honest money system, which freed the ordinary man from the clutches of the money manipulators, was probably the prime cause of the revolution….” Thomas Jefferson re banking: "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous ..

Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is a pencil and you’re a thousand miles from the corn field. - Dwight D. Eisenhower

The design & business concept of Baja California Sur / T H E - E D G E within ‘The America’s’ encompasses Asian & European influences.

Past international travel was essential to conceptualize the strategic plan.

Engaging in international commerce / commercial business overseas with different countries accelerated perspectives away from our young provincial outlook.

Paulo Coelho’s ‘The Alchemist’ notes the importance of dreaming and one’s sunken treasure may exist right at their own door… 

Searching within > review history - cyclical markets - supply / demand


The Alchemist - Back to the Future

Inexperience in past endeavors turned out to be a huge advantage… M16A2 - No bad habits… 

‘Learn to Forget’ - Jim Morrison

Today’s well informed [programmed] populace via MU-TH-UR 6000 [DARPA Google] appears more willing to seek out conventional subsets of recycled history. A well seasoned contrarian traveler may note flies in the ointment with traditional narratives.

In the spirit of asking questions… often in new places enjoy inquiring about what was the primary reason for the development of a given city … Why the Golden State? What was ‘The Silver Way’..? Why

Aspirations of personal property [land ownership by Europeans], mining collateral and improves transportation thru rail technologies advanced settlers westward in North America during the Gilded Age.

Advancements in agricultural machinery > crop yields…

Few farmers ensured capital structure to prepare for downturns in cyclical industries resulting in debt > obligations to pay on once easy lending practices.

Today’s Financial Conglomerate owned Government Sponsored Education cite the Homestead Act as an impetus for farming, logging & ranching thru ‘cheap land.’ 

The distortion created by top down force is curious given todays college institution's & law groups financed by the same sources selectively identify political risks to personal property as selected lands belonging to native ancestry [which were seized thru forces from other tribes]. 

No intentions of making political statements other than there is nothing new under the sun. A somber & objective outlook away from current main stream media & educational [mental conditioning] history clarifies there are winners & losers with every passing legislation. Wealth Transfer > Not Wealth Creation.

We see the cultivation of ‘The America’s’ from European / Eurasian financiers as a possible long range plan based upon alternative historical documents, sacred geometry and state planning directed by paymasters.

As noted an earlier paradigm shift was preparation for the Series 7 Securities Licensing clarification of the amount of securitization or financial leverage required to generate the current sentiments / boom.

Instead of each person doing all of the work creating what he needs and wants, dividing the labor amongst all of us into specialties is clearly superior by increasing the productivity of labor. Then people trade their surpluses with each other in the market economy - Elimination of trade barriers…


Rapid development of ‘The America’s’ was 

Argentina, which had been insignificant during the first half of the 19th century, showed growth from the 1860s up until 1930 that was so impressive that it was expected to eventually become the United States of South America. [1]


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