Endless Summer [Cycles]
Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future [Oscar Wilde]… beautiful, isn’t it? A reminder that we are all unfinished stories, scared by our mistakes yet redeemed by the hope of what’s come. … It whispers Even the darkest moments can be stepping stones to light.. that redemption isn’t reserved for the perfect… No it’s for the broken, the flawed, the ones who have fallen and dared to rise again. The past doesn’t define you, it shapes you and the future that’s where you will shine. - - Keanu Reeves Do not go through life like a leaf blown from here to there believing whatever you are told. - Socrates The Edge… as Hunter S. Thompson described.. “no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.” Do some subconsciously need to find out the truth of any system? Street Smarts > Is there another sense essential to survival outside the heard mentality? \